Friday, April 8, 2016

Hydro One, Kawartha Conservation, and The Land Between Sponsor Cities Earth Day Event

Why are trees so important? 

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize soil, and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with the material for tools and shelter. 
In some cases they even give us food.

Last year Hydro One was pruning trees in our neighbourhood; Great! Our service will not be disrupted by tree limbs falling on the lines...but pruning really was a nice way of putting it, they really were cutting down allot of trees, it really changed the whole landscape on our street and we were losing valuable tree cover that takes allot of time to replace and does allot of hard work for our clean country air and beautiful lakes.

So I tweeted.

I tweeted at Hydro One thanking them for protecting our service from interruptions and asked them if they would be replacing the lost tree cover.

They tweeted back.

They said that they worked with communities every year to replant trees. Excellent answer. I followed up with an email- after all we are a community, how could we help re plant those trees?

Well what do you know; they purchased us more than 200 trees seedlings! My children and I, along with anybody and everybody I could get spent a good part of the spring and summer planting those seedlings at Gamiing Nature Centre. Hydro One told me that if I could have a plan in place by next year we could do more- well turns out I like to plan and plant trees!

So this year thanks to The Cityof Kawartha Lakes, Kawartha Conservation, The Land Between, and Hydro One we invite you to join us at Rivera Park on Friday April 22cnd (Earth Day) to help us plant some trees and complete a shoreline restoration project. You can come at 930am until lunch or at 1pm until 3pm, dress for the weather and bring your refillable water bottle. 

Celebrate Earth Day this year by loving your lake!

Thanks to Richardson Pine Needle Farm for pulling together our order!

Some more information at the City's website

Please register!

Thanks for reading my blog and column.
Julia Taylor
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